Water Investors, LLC

About Water Investors, LLC

Water Investors, LLC is a Minnesota-based family fund investing personal capital in owner-operated, privately held, water-related businesses in the Midwest and Mountain West. We are long-term investors committed to supporting people, operations, finance, and growth at companies with an enduring local presence.

Ideal Company Profile

We seek businesses with $3 million to $20 million of sales, $500,000 to $3 million of profit, a significant “on the ground” service component, and strong, time-tested customer relationships. We value leadership continuity: situations where the company’s leader is interested in staying at least several years post-investment or sale, or has a solid successor identified.

Preferred Investment Structures

Full acquisition, majority investment, minority investment, in situations where owner is seeking to grow through acquisition, buy out a partner, facilitate a family or management transition, or sell their company.

About Our Principal

Hayes Batson lives in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and runs the family fund. He has deep experience in finance, operations and strategy, and has worked in a family business, led a private equity-owned company, and served as a strategy consultant, chief financial officer, and investment banker. He is skilled at supporting continued involvement of family members in businesses where a principal owner is selling or stepping back from a day-to-day role.

Contact Information:

Hayes Batson

